關於DIRECT HIRE指定申請的資訊

女傭係香港已經有幾十年歷史,有好多工人做左幾年返老家後舊僱主想再請返,或者親朋戚友介紹自己工人嘅同鄉黎。甚或僱主係網上平台自己配對好後,想申請個工人來等等,我地都叫做「Direct Hire」。

「Direct Hire」我地行內又叫「指定申請」或者「name hire」。顧名思義是僱主已經有合適嘅女傭,辦手續申請來香港。 其好處係因為已經配對好,一般收費都會比較平,但係有幾點傭主需要注意。

  • 女傭如從未來港一般都需要支付當地中介若干費用。(例如訓練費,住宿費等。)
  • 現時只有菲律賓完約工人可以不需要中介處理。當中主要原因為領事館要求。因為香港的有牌僱傭中心要對領事館簽一份協議,如果女傭出現特別情況,僱傭中心需要提供協助。(例如被解僱後,需要提供宿舍。)
  • 一般Direct Hire申請,女傭一到學校report ,或文件已交領事館,就立刻產生費用,所以女傭突然轉軚唔來,僱主可能會蒙受全面年損失。
  • 女傭由於direct hire 只需要付少量費用就可以來港,有機會做幾個月當去完旅行就同你Say goodbye 。
    所以搵一間有信用嘅僱傭中心係好緊要。我金寶Sir 深知傭主嘅考慮我地嘅Direct Hire 除左平絕全城,仲有女傭甩轆保險,女傭放飛機傭主都唔會total loss。

上回講到什麼是Direct Hire ,(直接聘請指定外傭 Direct Hire Domestic Helper),現在再深入講多少少。
最好選擇擁有俗稱「大牌」的僱傭中心,即係外僱原居地駐香港領事館所頒發的認證。事實上有好多所謂「艇仔公司」幫人攪Direct hire 手續,由於佢地沒有領事館牌照,所以一般好難掌握女傭係原居地嘅嘅申請狀況,也因為多了一重文件交收,申請時間一般較長。另外必須注意,其實領事館是禁止有牌公司幫「艇仔」公司做文件的。領事館一經發現,可能會「釘牌」。所以這「艇仔」公司能否持續經營都非常成疑。如果你選擇付錢給「艇仔」公司,而佢地對家有領事館牌的公司突然被釘牌,咁你個申請同俾左嘅錢就凍過水了。

金寶Sir:「嗱, Direct Hire 主要好處係減少不確定性,而 Direct Hire 嘅壞處就係增加不確定性。」



一般工人重新返來跟舊僱主打工,僱主都會用直接聘請 Direct hire 的方式。如果有熟人介紹外傭,例如親友嘅女傭介紹她的女兒或者她的姊妹,都會用到直接聘請 Direct Hire的方式;甚至乎係你嘅社區、隔籬鄰舍如果你見到一啲女傭覺得好好,而咁啱佢跟僱主滿約或者斷約出來,你想請佢都可以用 Direct hire 方式。

以上係以前普遍會用到 Direct Hire 嘅情況。好處係你已經掌握左個女傭一些實際工作表現或者對佢嘅品行、品格已經有一定了解先請佢。相對地女傭嘅不確定性就可以大大咁降低。金寶Sir 亦覺得原本 Direct Hire 嘅用意應該係咁。

Direct Hire 因為已經配對好,所以價錢一般會比較便宜,呢個好處其實只不過係副產品。

而現今科技進步,好多網上平台應運而生,有部分僱主喜歡係網上自己搵女傭,呢一班僱主造就左近年一個新嘅 Direct hire生態。

但係好多時僱主和女傭都對 Direct Hire 嘅收費未有全面了解而出現問題。由於 Direct Hire 會涉及當地訓練學校,不過有部份女傭因為未能支付當地學校費用而放棄申請。但因為 Direct Hire 收費便宜,而往往一開始申請便產生費用,如果女傭因種種原因 no show 唔來,僱主一般都係 total loss。又有情況女傭到步後不久,便發現女傭問題多多要炒左佢。原因可能僱主未有足夠經驗去分辨女傭是好是壞,又或者網上搵工人未能夠全面掌握女傭實際情況。基於以上, Direct Hire 其實又會增加不確定性。

講到尾,如果你真係識個工人, Direct Hire 緊係有好處。但如果只係網上揾到覺得好似幾好,又a或者係隔離屋個工人個朋友等等,除左慳左幾千蚊,分分鐘費時失事。不過總有一班僱主覺得請人只係睇彩數,所以我金寶 Sir 為左回應呢一班傭主,我地金寶僱傭嘅 Direct hire 套餐特別設有「甩轆保障」和「走樣保障」。

Direct Hire Offer :

【KAMPO AGENCY】Obtained the Philippine and Indonesian consular license.

Offer 1 【Not Show Up】 – If helper not show-up suddenly, we will only charge HK$1,000 for documentation and the rest of payment can be used for choose another helper in KAMPO AGENCY.

Offer 2 【Not Match】 – If helper by DIRECT HIRE feel unsatisfied, you have a option to another helper in KAMPO AGENCY within 3 months with 20% off discount.

Special Price: $3,180 (charge included)

  • Contract fee
  • Hong Kong working visa fee
  • OWWA dues

Price excluded:

  • Philippine compulsory insurance (HK$1,125), one-way ticket (about HK$500)
  • Pick up and apply Hong Kong identity card
  • Philippine (local) medical health check package
  • Urine pregnancy test before departure
  • Exit briefing fee (PDOS)
  • Overseas Employment Certificate Fee (OEC)
  • NC-II housekeeping training fee (3-7 days)
  • TESDA assessment fee


  • We first contact the foreign domestic helper to ensure that the foreign domestic helper is eligible for the application. At the same time, the foreign domestic helper will go to the local agent to submit the documents. After receiving the documents, the documents will be sent to our Hong Kong office for verification.
  • After receiving the foreign domestic helper’s documents, we will contact the customer and the customer uploads the application materials. We will prepare all application forms and send them to the client’s office within three working days.
  • After the client receives the document, check the content and sign it in the appropriate location and send it to us using the attached return mail bag.
  • After we received the documents, we will go to the Consulate in Hong Kong to apply for a notarization of the contract and apply for a working visa at the Immigration Department.
  • Once the working visa is granted, the local agent handles the exit formalities and physical examination (urine pregnancy check), and contacts the client to arrange for the foreign domestic helper to arrive in Hong Kong.